Flood Concerns in Austin, Texas

In 2015, Austin broke its rainfall record when the rain hit an all-time high of 20 inches. It could rain continuously for up to 48 hours, and this was devastating to the residents and the visitors. During that period, two bridges went down, and a number of roads were closed completely.
While there were no deaths reported and only one man went missing during the period, Austin was nearly considered a disaster zone. Today, besides Houston, Austin is considered one of North America’s most flooding prone areas. When floods come, residents look for Austin Plumber Online for help.
Flush Flooding
Austin is considered prone to flooding thanks to the high amount of rains that the area receives in certain seasons and the presence of lake and rivers. When it rains heavily, areas near rivers and the lake tend to flood, and this extends to other parts of Austin. However, the floods do not affect Austin town center and its immediate suburban areas.
While the area is prone to flash flooding, in most years, the area does not receive enough rainfall, making it not be considered a disaster zone. According to most residents, even with poor drainage, the rain is not enough to cause floods.
Central Texas is referred to as Flash Flood Alley due to its susceptibility to flooding. During floods, some people have problems with water inside houses.
Flood Proofing
If you live in a highly flood-prone area, you need to ensure that you get your house flood proofed by calling a plumber to maintain the drainage. Your plumber will advise on how you can manage drainage in your area during heavy rainfall and how you can direct water away. This is something to be done when the rains stop.
Some houses need a layer of defense by adding a membrane that covers part of the building from the foundation. You also need to call a technician who will reinforce the glass on the most prone part of the building. Your plumber will ensure that the piping system in your house is protected.
Another way involves surrounding a cable around the garage to ensure that when the cars float they do not wash into the Creek.
The Creeks
The creeks have made Austin popular with tourists. Austin is considered as a city on a river that turned into a lake. While the Creeks look magnificent and are economical, they can be dangerous in times when there is a heavy downpour.
Having no previous history of heavy flooding before 2015, the city of Austin, Texas did not have the necessary measures to prevent the flood. There has not been much improvement in curbing flooding besides a few dams and bridges. This means that the risk of flooding is still big in the area.
Be Prepared
It pays to stay prepared by ensuring that your home and all the systems in it are well taken care of. These systems include the electrical systems, the plumbing system, and the drainage system. Call a plumber today to get your plumbing repaired and your drains protected.